Wednesday, February 6, 2013

One Step Forward, No Stepping Back

Where to begin?  How about with this, I'm happy.  I asked a friend's opinion on what to do about Amsterdam and all the other options ahead of me... and here's what she said, "I think you should go back to school, get your degree, and save up and then go to Amsterdam!"  I looked into opportunities to do mission work there, and heard back from The Shelter.  Turns out they have openings for internships.  Here's the funny twist, I went to just check into going back to school (for the third time), and I found out my school offers a major in Studies in Christian Ministries.  Since I'm already at Junior level classes, I can jump right into the major and get a minor in Psychology.  Best part, there's a religion internship through school, which means.... AMSTERDAM!  It's a real possibility and I can get school credit for it!  I'm so thrilled!  It's a total God thing, Him putting this all together.  Now I just need to do well in school and really focus on what matters most!  I'm just so thrilled for this all to have come together.  So much do I praise Him!  Thank you Lord!

(Current Music: Holly Conlan)

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