Saturday, July 18, 2015


The time has come to reignite!  I've never lost my love for Amsterdam, but have allowed fear of a different life and different circumstances to chase away the desire to transition into living and volunteering in Amsterdam.

I'm excited about the prospect of going.  Right now I'm doing what I need to in order to get my finances in order.  Then, in a year's time, I plan to be on my way to my lovely home across the Atlantic for the most scary thing I'll ever do:  live away from my comfortable life, family, and friends.

So much will change here in that time, and I'll change so much while I'm gone.  However, I have no doubt that life is going to be amazing once I'm settled in.  Sure, I'll probably hate the first month, but in the end I trust it'll be amazing.  God provides in the weirdest ways sometimes, and I trust he will provide for me in this time of preparation, and upon my arrival.

I wrote in a journal recently that my head is being called to adventure, my heart is being called home to Amsterdam, and my spiritual call is to follow Him, no matter where I am.  Being surrounded by Christians from around the world and learning about how we are all different but our God is the same, is going to be amazing!

The time has come to reignite!  Here's my hope:  in a year's time, I'll be in Amsterdam, surrounded by love and wonderful people, and feeling absolutely at home and at peace.

Everything, this journey, begins NOW!

Here I go....